Mrs. Gawronski
Grade 4
Come Visit Our School!
What We Love About OLV:
STREAM Our Friends Our Teachers
Subjects Catholic Schools Week After-School Activities
Sports Parties Our Basilica
Family Atmosphere
We can ask for help whenever we need it!
Field Trips Crafts Spelling Bee Service Club
Awesome Tech Lab with 3D printers New Gym Floor
On-site counseling, if needed Free breakfast and lunch
Regents classes in 8th Grade!
My name is Lisa Gawronski, and I love teaching fourth grade! I have been at OLV for over 26 years....all in grade 4! We have so much fun learning about Reading/ELA, Social Studies, Science, and Math. We use our Religious formation in our everyday lives, using Jesus's life as our model. We get crafty during holidays and celebrations, and love to experience new learning, including current events. Here is an overview of a few topics covered in fourth grade:
- Math: multiplication, division, fractions, geometry
- ELA: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions
- Writing: using correct sentence structure, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing, and learning how to do research, write about our opinions, how to give someone directions in order, and how to create an imaginative story with dialogue
- Science: sight, sound, rocks, natural changes to Earth's surface, waves, electricity, and types of energy
- Social: geography of NY, Native Americans, European explorers, 13 colonies, Revolutionary War, slavery, Civil War, equal rights, women's rights, parts of government......
- Reading: main idea and details, inferencing, comprehension, cause and effect, compare and contrast, using text evidence, using graphic and text features, and so on.
We read a lot, in our textbooks, trade books, articles, worksheets, and chapter books. I also like to read to the students to sharpen their listening skills. Even though they are a little older, they LOVE picture books and looking at illustrations, which can be amazing.
We LEARN and we have FUN! Children need a positive attitude and a positive environment in which to learn and to become lifelong learners. In fourth grade, my students acquire the necessary skills required by our curriculum, but we learn in a fun, engaging, and creative manner. I believe strong communication between parents, teachers, and students is an important key in effective learning. Students who like coming to school, and feel safe and loved are more likely to participate and become active learners. I will show them that they might be good at something that they didn't even know they liked!
“Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.”
~Abigail Adams
Reading/Math Expectations
Keep up with your child’s reading skills by encouraging them to read every day. It is requested that each student have a chapter book in their desk at all times as we will read independently almost every day. Their vocabulary will increase, as will their comprehension and fluency.
Students are expected to enter 4th grade knowing their basic addition and subtraction facts up to 20 without using their fingers. Students must also be proficient at multiplication tables up to 12. These skills are not taught in 4th grade but are required to be memorized when beginning school in September. Please use flash cards and rote memorization to “study” these facts.