Mr. Patti
Technology Integration
Since this is a project based class, I don't give out a lot of homework. Any homework assigned is used to reinforce the students knowledge for the project based learning we are doing or to finish a project not completed in class.
All homework assignments are put into the Google Classroom. For parents who aren't receiving a weekly update, please make sure I have an updated email, so we can send you the update.
Below is What’s included in your weekly email summary:
- Missing work—Work not turned in when the summary was sent.
- Upcoming work—Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails).
- Class activity—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers.
My Philosophy
I love technology. In an ever changing world, technology touches all of us. My philosophy is to utilize technology so that it can be used as a tool in our lives, rather than having it drive our lives. My goal is to enhance the student’s knowledge on what technology is available, and how to use the technology to enhance their knowledge and help them grow.
I believe that every student learns differently, and that Learning is a process. I try to adapt my lessons so that every child has the opportunity to learn about how technology works, and to use those skills in a safe and responsible way. If technology is used properly, it will help us to be more efficient with our time, and help us to continue to grow as better students. Remember, we are always learning, and technology can help us get there faster!