Monthly Announcements
4- Back to school –Early release dress down day
8- Character Trait awards
18 Martin Luther King Day No school
22 Progress reports mailed home
31- 2/5- Catholic School’s Week
- Early Release/dress down day for $1.00 for STREAM
3 Feast of St. Blaze Day – Blessing of Throats
8 Character Trait Awards after mass
17 Ash Wednesday
15-19 Winter Recess
- Casual dress for a dollar to benefit Catholic Charities- Early dismissal
9 Marks close for the second trimester
10 Third trimester begins
18 Report cards go home
19 No school St. Joseph’s Day in honor of the Sisters of St. Joseph
30 Breakfast of Champions/ Honor Roll Ceremony
1-10 Easter Break
12 School resumes
15 Spring Pictures and Graduation pictures
16 Character Trait awards
20-22 NYS ELA State Tests
23 Progress Reports mailed for third trimester
3 Early dismissal and casual dress- 1.00 to benefit STREAM
3-7 Teacher Appreciation Week
7 Jr. National Honor Society Induction
14 8th Grade Ribbon Day- 8:15 mass
28 Pastor’s Holiday- day off
31 Memorial Day – Day off
7 Early Release/Dress down Day to benefit Catholic Charities
10 Breakfast of Champions
11 Baccalaureate ???
14-18 Exam week
16 Pre- K Graduation
17 Kindergarten Graduation
23 8th grade graduation